Advertising Agency in Vancouver: Finding the best one

Advertising Agency in Vancouver

When choosing partners who will take care of your brand and develop it, you must always be very careful and attentive. So one of the common questions is how to find a good advertising agency in Vancouver – and what to evaluate in relation to proposals.

If you are looking for a good partner, read on and see the important tips we have separated!


#1- Understand your goals

Before you even start looking for an advertising agency in Vancouver, it’s essential that you know exactly what you are looking for in this partner. After all, there are agencies focused on various solutions, such as branding, brand development, digital marketing, out of home media, among others.

So, evaluate which points you want the agency to help you improve, from building your identity to developing more appropriate strategies to sell more, redesign your website, properly position your brand in the market, and so on.
From this clipping it will be easier to find the agency that specializes in the type of service you are looking for, making the partnership more fruitful.


#2- Review agency portfolio and success stories

Now that you know what you are looking for, it’s time to start selecting the best advertising agencies according to the type of service provided.

A good way to do this is by looking at the portfolio. Evaluate the number of customers served in your industry, the size of these companies, the results achieved and the success stories.

When the agency has credibility and a history in the market, it usually has some success stories that help corroborate its experience. Ask them to evaluate these items, understand how long the strategy brought that return, whether it’s similar to your goals, actions you have taken, and so on.

In addition, critically analyze the graphic work developed, the advertisements served, the credibility of the brands that trusted the agency’s service and other points that may be relevant to your need and purpose.


#3- Check customers and their opinion

If the advertising agency is really good, it will surely have satisfied customers who will not mind attesting to the effectiveness of the service provided. A good way to ascertain the company’s credibility, then, is by talking to other customers.
Contact the companies featured in the portfolio and ask about deadlines, results achieved, ease of communication, professionalism, ethics and how satisfied these clients are with the agency.
Watch out for repetitive complaints, as this may identify a difficulty for the service provider.

#4- Evaluate infrastructure, staff, and location

After all these steps, surely you have already selected an advertising agency in Vancouver that seems most suitable for your goals, right?

At this point, it’s worth scheduling a visit to the company’s headquarters. This will allow you to evaluate several important issues, such as:
· Physical infrastructure of the agency for the number of clients clients;
Cordiality and level of knowledge of professionals;
· Punctuality;
· Team of professionals who will take care of your account (experience, expertise and technical training of each of them);
· Agency location (if it is close to your business, it will be easier when you need to meet with teams or exchange information about your strategy);
· Certificates, awards and others attesting to the quality of service provided;
· Team identification with your brand, mission and business values;
· Overall working climate at the agency (note if professionals look happy in the workplace, if there is no overload on teams, etc. – but remember that agency environments are generally more relaxed with a less rigid dress code).

#5- Analyze the communication channels

A good advertising agency will surely seek to improve and optimize its own communication strategies. Evaluate the company’s website, channels of communication, their effectiveness, social media strategies, positioning on Google, and the amount of information available on the institutional website.

If the agency website itself contains English errors, outdated information, photos that don’t upload, old fashioned layout and other issues, beware!

Also be aware of how fast you can get in touch through the various communication channels – and how this service is performed. After all, if you become an agent, you need to communicate frequently with the agency, and quick and responsive responses make the difference.

#6- Study cost-effective and contractual details

After meeting with you, the agency will offer some services and propose certain strategies. Evaluate how innovative these solutions seem to you, the estimated time to start seeing returns, and the cost-effectiveness of the service.
Choosing an advertising agency for price alone is not a good idea. After all, there are several items that can make the service more expensive but bring superior quality to your brand.

So, when comparing the different proposals, consider the benefits brought by it. Sometimes it pays to pay a little more but have a slightly faster result, have a different strategy or surround yourself with a team of experts with a lot of experience and market knowledge, for example.

Another issue that should be considered is regarding the contract. Evaluate what will be charged for services that can be a monthly payment (monthly fee), package for jobs or even percentage on success (you only pay when the strategy begins to bring results).

Consider other issues such as:
· Amount of services delivered per month or per week;
· Maximum number of free and paid changes;
· Schedule of activities;
· Forms of communication;
· Number of meetings;
· Fines for breach of contract (early termination, non-compliance with contractual terms, etc.);
· Dynamics and workflow (time for approval of parts, frequency of shipments, etc.);
· Among other issues.

By considering all these points, you increase the chances of hiring a good partner agency that will really help your brand stand out and reap the rewards you expect.

Now it’s easier to choose advertising agency in Vancouver.

Madison Agency is based on transparency and trust, bringing communication solutions to its customers and enabling sustainable growth of brands. For this, we focus on understanding your needs, goals and the market, always proposing strategies and personalized actions, targeted and according to your target audience.

Are you looking for a great advertising agency in Vancouver? Contact our team of experts and learn how we can help you!

Website Design in Vancouver: 6 Items You Need To Consider!

Website development is a MUST NEEDED tool every company needs. After all, maintaining a corporate website today is no longer a differentiator, but an obligation for companies that stand out and communicate using their various audiences.

However, to ensure that this channel will deliver the expected results, its essential to consider some aspects when designing the website and digital strategies.

Not sure what you need to consider when developing your business website? See how important tips and guidelines we have separated and don’t forget to hire a professional Digital Marketing Agency in Vancouver.


1- Consider your website goals.

A website can serve a variety of purposes – and each website requires proper care of layout, such as information and navigability.

Some possibilities are:

  • Corporate website;
  • E-commerce;
  • Portfolio of products and services;
  • Information storage;
  • News distribution;
  • Customer base;
  • Among others.

So, before you even start looking for a digital marketing agency in Vancouver to get your idea out of the paper, think about what you want to get from this website. This will be easier for the digital professionals to work on it.


2- Invest without layout

When you visit your business website, your customers, suppliers, and other audiences can use a taste of what your business looks like. So consider the first impression you want to make.

A website with an outdated, messy or ugly layout can convey many feelings caused by distrust, lack of professionalism, outdated, among others.

In order for your layout to help positively impact these people, you should consider issues such as:

  • Personality of your brand;
  • Website’s goals (which we explained in the previous topic);
  • Public resources that will use it;
  • Ease of navigation;
  • Quality photos;
  • Easy reading of texts (with eye-size fonts and sizes);
  • Intuitive interface.


3- Prefer to create responsive websites

Responsible websites are websites that can adapt to any screen size, working correctly on both a computer and a notebook, tablet or smartphone.

Remember that most people today use their cell phones to access the Internet – and disregards that these audiences can bring health problems to their digital strategies.

First, because Google doesn’t work very well on websites that aren’t responsible (which makes it harder for users to find your business), and second, because a bad experience with your website can cause your brand to be rejected, impacting your sales.

In addition to a responsive website, searching can also be a lightweight and easy-to-load option, working well with users browsing via 3G or 4G.


4- Remember the content

Good images are great at creating websites, but they should not be the only attractions of your domain. Content is extremely important to communicate correctly with your audience and to rank well in search engines.

But that doesn’t mean placing any text on your pages. They need to be geared to the personality of your brand and the characteristics of the audience you want to reach, as well as being optimized for the key keywords in your industry and creating connection with users.

In addition to content on your website pages (who we are, product or service pages, history, etc.), another good idea is to combine a blog with your domain. This will greatly help your digital strategies, for example:

  • Helping you rank better for the top keywords in your industry;
  • Improving the authority of your brand;
  • Creating a closer relationship with your audience.
  • Increasing the visibility of your business;
  • Providing its own channel to publicize issues of interest to your brand.


5- Consider an SEO Strategy

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. The idea is to make domains better optimized to rank better in search engines such as Google.

Think that Google works today as a huge showcase. The better your website is positioned, the more prominence it will have in this showcase, increasing the chances of winning new customers and closing more deals.

However, Google showcase is extremely crowded. There are some keywords that are hard to rank, so the more you invest in these optimizations, the better the results of your strategies.

In addition to a responsive website, the expert can evaluate other issues such as content quality and keyword optimization, upload speed, broken links, correct domain indexing, link building strategies, and more.


6- Develop a complete digital marketing strategy.

As we said in the introduction, just having a corporate website won’t help your business stand out in the digital universe. Today, this is a hugely popular channel, and to gain your audience and turn hits into sales, you need a solid and appropriate strategy.

Agency Madison was listed as one of the Top Web Design Companies in Miami by  Design Rush:

Advertising Agency in Vancouver: 7 Tips for Choosing the Best!

Advertising Agency in Vancouver

Advertising Agency in Vancouver: 7 Tips for Choosing the One!


Many people confuse advertising agency with other typer of agencies and end up incorrectly choosing the right partner for their goals. If you want to improve your strategies from the sales process to the customer relationship, marketers are the right choice.


To help you choose a marketing and advertising agency in VANCOUVER, we have separated some essential tips. Check out!



Not every advertising agency is the same. And that means that not all provide the same type of service. Even digital marketing agencies may vary. There are experts in SEO, Adwords, Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media and so on.

This is why it is so important that you understand exactly what you need. If you already have an in-house marketing team, it might be more interesting to invest in an agency that offers consulting services to help optimize your in-house team.

For those who do not have these professionals, the agency will have to meet this demand – and you may need more than one service. So evaluate all possibilities, always considering your goals and the reality of your business.



As we said in the introduction, communication and advertising agency are not synonymous. Marketing involves a series of strategies that help increase your company’s sales and better understanding the behavior of your audience, advising on new products, new brands and other ways to impact your sales.

Advertising is focused on communicating certain messages and information or better positioning your product and brand. Its these professionals who will produce the advertisements online, billboards, television, radio, etc.

An advertising agency will help you define strategies that can be used both online and offline to increase your sales, improve your company’s positioning, create a closer customer relationship or even define product strategies, like releases, line extensions, and more.

Some advertising agencies, such as Agency Madison, rise a focus in the digital world. Developing strategies to increase sales and improve relationship with clients in the digital universe, using available tools like SEO, Adwords, social media, corporate blogs, etc.



The more prominent the advertising agency has, the more success stories it will have to share. When evaluating these cases, it’s important to consider some points, such as:

  • Company size and market (if closer to yours, it may indicate the agency knows your industry well);
  • Difficulty in positioning within the market and level of competition;
  • Strategy execution time;
  • Investment made (no use, for example, wanting the same results if the case company had an investment 10 times larger than its budget or vice versa);
  • Results achieved (need to be compatible with what you want. If the idea is to increase sales, there is no point in evaluating a successful case in other areas).



After all this, it’s time to evaluate the strategies proposed by the advertising agency in VANCOUVER. Compare the various solutions presented, analyze which are more innovative and realistic and think about the cost-benefit of what is proposed.

Another essential issue is the term of contract. After all, it needs to be consistent with the proposed strategy. In the case of digital marketing, for example, contracts shorter than six months are not advised, as strategies take time to start delivering the expected results.

After all these tips, it became easier to choose an advertising agency in Fort Lauderdale.

Madison Agency specializes in digital marketing, advertising and general marketing strategies, helping you design your marketing plan and define the best tools to achieve your goals. Contact our team of experts and find out how we can help your business!



Now that you have a better understanding of the services provided by each type of business, it’s time to evaluate the internal issue. What your business expects by hiring the advertising agency and what budget is available for it.

Surely the budget needs to be in line with the objectives. For example, if your idea is to rank first on Google for the most searched keywords in your industry, in a short time, you need to have a bigger budget – allowing for more aggressive and paid media actions.

Now, if the idea is to make an organic placement for less competitive keywords with more strategy time, the budget may be smaller as there is more time available to achieve the expected results.

Also remember that this value is an investment and not an expense. After all, within a few months, you’ll see the return on that amount and still make a profit on it. This is what we call ROI (Return on Investment) and it can also be calculated when choosing the best strategy.

So, evaluate how much you need to invest in agency services to achieve the expected results within a time frame that is feasible for your business.



A good advertising agency in VANCOUVER will surely have extensive experience in the area, as well as a portfolio with important clients. Evaluate this question and understand if these customers are from a similar industry to yours and also what services are most provided to these companies.

Solid agencies also have a reliable career, years of experience, courses and specializations, use of modern tools and recognition within the market. All of this needs to be very well evaluated.



Proximity can make a big difference in reaping the results. So, schedule a meeting in person at the advertising agency in Vancouver and evaluate how easy it is to access the company.

Other points you can check out are:

  • Cordiality and punctuality;
  • Physical infrastructure of the agency;
  • Number of employees and number of employees who will take care of your account;
  • Experience and expertise of professionals in the area (training, open courses, specializations and time working in the area)
  • Company size and business needs (if your business is large and you need exclusive dedication with a large volume of services, it is essential that the agency can meet your needs);
  • Business climate;
  • Level of organization.

5 Steps to Building Your Branding in Vancouver

Branding in Vancouver

5 Steps to Build Your Branding in Vancouver


When it comes to starting a new business, there are many points that entrepreneurs need to consider – and a very important one is brand building. After all, it’s the brand that will represent your business in people’s minds, passing on the impressions, characteristics and market positioning of your business.

It’s through branding that we differentiate companies and products, but its also through branding that we develop affective bonds, emotions and even feelings with the business.

For all that, branding should be something very well thought of – and go beyond simply developing a logo. It’s critical to analyze what you want to convey with your business, who you want to reach and how your business will be positioning in the minds of these consumers.
Sound too hard? See the tips we separated and remeber to hire a professional Branding in VANCOUVER to make the best brand for you.!


1- Logo Development

Remember that it’s not your brand, but a way to quickly communicate your brand and differentiate it from the competition.

That’s why a good logo is easy to understand, communicates with the right audience, can convey a message, is easily recognizable to competitors, can be used in a variety of sizes and can have a good impact.

There are many logo options to choose from, such as:
· Abstract: they are logos that do not have an explicit meaning, on the contrary, customers themselves create the meaning they want. An example is Google Chrome;· Mascot: logos represented by the face of a mascot. Although they help humanize the brand, they are falling out of favor and are only suitable for specific segments (as if you want to give your brand a more retro look). Quaker is a good example of a logo this way.
· Emblem: Most often circular and combine text and emblem, creating a sophisticated and bold look, such as the Starbucks logo;
· Initials: If your brand name is made up of 3 or more names, it is a good idea to summarize it to make it easier for you to remember, and initials can make up your logo, such as IBM;
· Icon: Also called symbolic, is the representation of your brand through a visual metaphor, for example the Twitter bird that refers to tweets.
· Typographic: These are text logos that use colors and fonts to create a visual identity. The disadvantage is that this logo is harder to scale and loses readability when its reduced. The problem can be solved by creating an iconic logo or turning the first letter into a logo. An example is the Facebook logo;
· Combination: You can combine many of the above styles, most commonly using icons and typography such as the McDonald’s logo.
As you have seen, branding involves a number of steps – and goes far beyond developing a logo. After all, you need to think about the personality and characteristics of your brand, which should be in tune with your company and your target audience.

Did you like this content? Want to invest in creating a brand for your business? Agency Madison is the right Marketing Agency in Pembroke Pines for your business. Contact our experts and learn how we can help you!



2- Understand your company

Do your homework. Understand very well who your company is. This involves defining the mission, vision and values of your business.
Also evaluate what your company is different from and do a study of your market, seeking to understand more deeply who your main competitors are – and how they position themselves.

All of these points are essential because these characteristics need to be reflected in your brand. If your business, for example, focuses on sustainability and environmental concerns, it is important that this feature is communicated to your customers, differentiating your company from others.


3- Consider the brand graphics

The way all these items are communicated to your audience is through the graphic elements that make up the logo, such as the colors, fonts, symbols, among others. So obviously, they need to be in tune with your brand message and your target audience.

Colors, for example, can convey a number of sensations. See some:
· Yellow: prosperity and energy, as well as stimulating appetite;
· White: peace, innocence, hygiene, cleanliness and purity;
· Blue: serenity, credibility and security;
· Burgundy: royalty, elegance, grandeur, power and great knowledge;
· Brown: maturity, strength and comfort;
· Orange: energy, creativity and movement;
· Gray: stability and success;
· Black: luxury and sophistication;
· Rose: romanticism and themes related to the feminine universe;
· Red: passion, strength and power;
· Green: nature, tranquility and hope.
The font can also convey these sensations, so they need to be careful in choosing. Ideally, choose a font that is easy to read and choose to work with a maximum of 2 fonts in one logo (one for the title and one for other text that may be incorporated into the logo).


4- Think about the characteristics and positioning of your brand.

When it comes to branding, a really cool exercise is trying to think as if your brand were a person – and thus attribute to it characteristics, qualities, and adjectives that help identify and translate it.

For example, if we take Netflix for analysis, what characteristics does this brand have? We can say that she is innovative, young, dynamic, present in social media, communicative, revolutionary, funny etc.

These are all essential attributes that helps shape the brand’s mental image for consumers – and also create an identity of those people with the company.
Another essential point is understanding what’s your positioning in the market and what does your brand promise to your customers?
Remember, It’s no use promising your brand with a unique and differentiated customer experience, if you end up delivering the same as your competitors (or even worse).


5- Evaluate your audience

It’s essential that your brand can communicate properly with the audience you want to attract. The more information about these people you have, the better your brand will be.

If your idea is, for example, to attract young people, its important that your brand refers to some attribute, such as innovation, agility, creativity, communication, joy, cheerfulness, among others.

A brand whose audience is older and mature people will need to communicate other feelings such as maturity, trust, solidity, prestige etc.
There are many aspects that you can raise about your audience that will help you right now such as:
· Age range;
· Income;
· Profession;
· Location;
· Most consuming media;
· Language;
· Consumption habits;
· Problems that your products help solve;
· Doubts and insecurities that prevent the purchase;
· Among others.

Website Design in Vancouver: 6 Items You Need To Consider!

Website Design in Vancouver: 6 Items You Need To Consider!


Website development is a MUST NEEDED tool every company needs. After all, maintaining a corporate website today is no longer a differentiator, but an obligation for companies that stand out and communicate using their various audiences.

However, to ensure that this channel will deliver the expected results, its essential to consider some aspects when designing the website and digital strategies.

Not sure what you need to consider when developing your business website? See how important tips and guidelines we have separated and don’t forget to hire a professional Digital Marketing Agency in Vancouver.


1- Consider your website goals.

A website can serve a variety of purposes – and each website requires proper care of layout, such as information and navigability.
Some possibilities are:

· Corporate website;
· E-commerce;
· Portfolio of products and services;
· Information storage;
· News distribution;
· Customer base;
· Among others.

So, before you even start looking for a digital marketing agency in Miami to get your idea out of the paper, think about what you want to get from this website. This will be easier for the digital professionals to work on it.


2- Invest without layout

When you visit your business website, your customers, suppliers, and other audiences can use a taste of what your business looks like. So consider the first impression you want to make.

A website with an outdated, messy or ugly layout can convey many feelings caused by distrust, lack of professionalism, outdated, among others.
In order for your layout to help positively impact these people, you should consider issues such as:
· Personality of your brand;
· Website’s goals (which we explained in the previous topic);
· Public resources that will use it;
· Ease of navigation;
· Quality photos;
· Easy reading of texts (with eye-size fonts and sizes);
· Intuitive interface.


3- Prefer to create responsive websites

Responsible websites are websites that can adapt to any screen size, working correctly on both a computer and a notebook, tablet or smartphone.
Remember that most people today use their cell phones to access the Internet – and disregards that these audiences can bring health problems to their digital strategies.

First, because Google doesn’t work very well on websites that aren’t responsible (which makes it harder for users to find your business), and second, because a bad experience with your website can cause your brand to be rejected, impacting your sales.
In addition to a responsive website, searching can also be a lightweight and easy-to-load option, working well with users browsing via 3G or 4G.


4- Remember the content

Good images are great at creating websites, but they should not be the only attractions of your domain. Content is extremely important to communicate correctly with your audience and to rank well in search engines.

But that doesn’t mean placing any text on your pages. They need to be geared to the personality of your brand and the characteristics of the audience you want to reach, as well as being optimized for the key keywords in your industry and creating connection with users.

In addition to content on your website pages (who we are, product or service pages, history, etc.), another good idea is to combine a blog with your domain. This will greatly help your digital strategies, for example:
· Helping you rank better for the top keywords in your industry;
· Improving the authority of your brand;
· Creating a closer relationship with your audience.
· Increasing the visibility of your business;
· Providing its own channel to publicize issues of interest to your brand.


5- Consider an SEO Strategy

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. The idea is to make domains better optimized to rank better in search engines such as Google.
Think that Google works today as a huge showcase. The better your website is positioned, the more prominence it will have in this showcase, increasing the chances of winning new customers and closing more deals.

However, Google showcase is extremely crowded. There are some keywords that are hard to rank, so the more you invest in these optimizations, the better the results of your strategies.

In addition to a responsive website, the expert can evaluate other issues such as content quality and keyword optimization, upload speed, broken links, correct domain indexing, link building strategies, and more.


6- Develop a complete digital marketing strategy.

As we said in the introduction, just having a corporate website won’t help your business stand out in the digital universe. Today, this is a hugely popular channel, and to gain your audience and turn hits into sales, you need a solid and appropriate strategy.

Agency Madison is your Digital Marketing Agency in Miami to develop your website. Get in touch for more details.

What is the importance of branding?

What is the importance of branding?

Branding is the work done through advertising agency to increase the image of brands.


Branding generates value to a brand, consolidates it in the market and stand out from competitors. A consolidated brand, which has a strong image in the market, has invested and/or invested frequently in advertising agency in Vancouver.



To understand more, nothing better than using some current examples. If we make a quick comparison in bags business, for example, we can find them with the most varied prices.

In some cases the cost these large brands had to produce their bags are equivalent to the brands mentioned above. The status that a brand can bring to its target audience is something that can go further


We can easily find a bag for $50.00, which probably cost about $30 to be produced. But what if this same bag were produced and had the logo of GUESS? The same bag could be sold for $ 300.00 while keeping the same cost of production.

If we stop to search further, we can find great brands like CHANEL and LOUIS VUITTON selling handbags in the range of $ 40,000.


A brand should always be in the memory of its target’s audience, through advertising. When we look at big brands we can see they invest heavily in print adstelevision commercials and are very present in social media. For that they are considered Top of Mind brands, which means, the brand that are in people’s mind when they talk about their business area.


Branding is something that takes a bit of time. After this time, investment and work, will begin to bring results. Your brand will begin to have an increasingly consolidated image in the market and (maybe) become a Top of Mind in Vancouver.

For the greatest Branding service, search for the right Advertising agency in Vancouver .


Website Development in Vancouver: What does an effective website need to have?

Website Development in Vancouver

Website Development in Vancouver: What does an effective website need?


Much more than an “electronic folder,” a website must be a 24-hour relationship channel with customers. Each business segment has characteristics that define the type of content that the customer searches on the website.



We use software such as Adobe Photoshop, Fireworks and Illustrator to generate images and vectors; Adobe Dreamweaver to work with CSS. Some sites require animations for this, Adobe Flash was one of the main tools, which has been changing after the emergence of HTML5.

Know languages ​​like HTML, HTML5, XML, XHTML, as well as some forms of script like JavaScript, PHP and ASP. It is not necessary to know the essences of these languages, but it is good to have them well worked out in cases where the project involves making structural changes in templates and other uses. PHP and ASP are also important for working with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.



There are five key points that should be present on the company’s website:

1) Put the most relevant information on the home page.

2) Who is your company?

3) What does your company do?

4) Where to find your company?

5) Use testimonials from clients and partners.



Compatibility: Today there are several browsers Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and mobile phones. The site must be compatible with all or at least most of them.

Pop-ups: Perhaps the main reason why the visitor immediately closes the site. Besides being boring and often having the “close” button inaccessible, they pass the image that the company is more interested in selling than in serving the visitor.

Music: Annoying and disturbing. If the visitor accesses the website of your company, it is for business and not leisure. If he wants to listen to music he goes to a bar or concert, not to the page of his company.

Search: The visitor has very little time to lose on a website. So if the information is not readily accessible, it is best to place a search box in a well-visible and easily accessible place.

Contacts: Sometimes it does not exist or are “hidden”. This information is FUNDAMENTAL, it should always exist and be clearly visible. How do you want the visitor to find you or contact you?

Formatting: A black background with white letters or yellow with blue letters even causes strabismus. The font, the justification and the alignment of the information are also very important, so that everything is very clear and easy for the visitor to understand.

Social networks: Most importantly the Twitter / Facebook buttons should lead to the company page so the visitor will short and follow the company and not only put the option to share the site.



  1. Less is more – this does not mean having a poorly done website. be simple in reducing everything to the maximum, so that the site is easy to use and maintain the interest of visitors;
  2. A picture is worth a thousand words – Whenever possible, use pictures, because no one wants to waste time reading endless texts.
  3. Relevant information – Pages with lots of information and lots of images tend to overwhelm and confuse the reader. Put only the essentials to attract attention and keep a good layout on the pages.
  4. Under construction? – Never put links on your site that lead the visitor to pages that have not yet been made and are under construction. Nothing worse than frustrating the visitor.
  5. Updating … ALWAYS – Periodically update the site so that people visit it again.
  6. Contact and Newsletter – Put a contact form with the option to receive news from the site. Nothing better than keeping in touch with those who have an interest in your site.
  7. Agility – Statistics show that if a site does not show any information to entertain the visitor within 15 to 30 seconds, the visitor cancels the upload and goes to another site. Think about it and get your website uploaded as soon as possible. Optimizing the source code and hiring a great hosting server helps a lot in loading time.
  8. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – consists of optimizing the website to be better understood and viewed by the search engines. It is worth investing.


Every business in Vancouver must have a website. Contact us for more details.

5 Mistakes your business may be having regarding advertising in Vancouver

Advertising in Vancouver

5 Mistakes your business may be having regarding advertising in Vancouver


Today’s Advertising in Vancouver professionals often lose focus and their way in the quest to achieve results for their companies.

Here we’ve listed 5 mistakes your Advertising in Vancouver department may be making.



Many companies spend big money primarily on assurance-related expenses. However, an increasingly common practice from profit-oriented companies is to link their products to social causes.

Investing only in promotional actions may end up becoming a wasted opportunity–especially since 92% of people have a positive image of companies that support important social causes.

Four out of five people interviewed in a survey, said they would choose a brand that supports a social case if the price and quality of two brands were the same.



Nowadays, communication and advertising go through a period of aggressive promotional offers and a lack of care regarding company image–focusing only on the sale of products/services.

However, what many marketers forget about is to understand consumer behavior. Individual consumption is guided by the motivation to fulfill necessities–organizing its needs into a hierarchy of priorities: physiological, safety, social, prestige or self-realization. Therefore, in order for your brand and product to be well ranked on potential customers’ priority lists, you need to communicate the value of your offering in such a way that leaves a lasting impression in people’s minds.

After all, a consumer’s decision to buy an item is strongly based on their attitudes about a product or service.



Customer loyalty is the Marketing keyword of the 21st century. But many marketers are so desperate to get new clients that they end up forgetting their gold mine is present in their current client portfolio. Current customers can reach 80% of a company’s invoice.

If your company is far from this number, one of the strategies that you must take immediately is to re-examine your current clients and go over their needs. After all, customers who already buy from you are much more likely to buy again and in higher quantities than a prospect who has never spent money with you.

In summary, the amount of money spent on advertising to earn new customers can be optimized to increase your earnings with current customers.




It is very common to see companies out there without a well-defined mission for its employees and customers.

Any business planning begins with a clearly-defined mission. So, having one well-defined is essential. A surprising number organizations fail to appreciate how important and relatively simple it is to put together a company mission. An effective mission must be brief enough to fit on a T-shirt.



Another big mistake many organizations make is not having a marketing plan or an Advertising plan. Marketing planning consolidates all activities aimed to achieve communications, branding, sales, etc goals–thus making up a marketing strategy.

In a nutshell, you need to have well defined goals pertaining to what you want to achieve and avoid. The answers to related questions sound subjective but they’re actually objective. How do you plan to achieve the results you want? The answer is strategy.

If your company does not have a marketing or advertising plan and you need some guidance,  you can see more in our article “How to Start an Efficient Marketing Plan.”


If you need more information regarding Advertising in Vancouver, take no time and get in touch with us.


Marketing Automation: A basic guide for digital marketing agency Vancouver

Marketing Automation: A basic guide for digital marketing agency Vancouver


What’s Automation?

Marketing Automation, In life, time is one of our most valuable resources–in fact, one could argue it’s the most important. How we manage time will greatly influence our destiny. With respect to Digital Marketing, time has a similar level of importance. Imagine a whole bunch of features that improve all operational tasks–making everything faster and more accurate.

It’s called Marketing Automation, a definition we adopted from Neil Patel which can be defined as follows: “Marketing automation is the process of using software and technology to optimize, automate and measure repetitive online marketing tasks.”


Where to use it?

There are three main areas of Digital Marketing that can be automated to an extent.



A delivery, distribution and response by email system can be automated, as well as your email list can be targeted automatically depending on who has chosen to access it.


Social Media:

Just like email, with social media, content distribution can be automated. In addition, social media can also be automated for growth if it involves followers and leads.


Destination pages:

Nowadays, it’s no longer necessary to dedicate as many hours to the design of a landing page. You can use templates and just insert your own copy as works of programming. More than that, you can also automate the text inserted in your LP, counting on an A/B test help.


Why use it?

There are multiple benefits that can be reaped by adopting marketing automation:

  • Increased productivity rates
  • Increased lead generation and nutrition
  • Ease of work with different problems
  • Better results and more sales


Who should use automation?

Every company–no matter what industry it operates in–needs to attract new clients, and marketing has a pivotal role in that mission. An automation solution should always be a focal solution in your communications plans.


When to use?

Want to know if there is an ideal time to invest in automation? Well, if your company doesn’t have a great website, I suggest taking care of that first. However, if you have already worked with customer email records, have a good lead capture system and are determined to expand your business, this is the best time.


How to use it?

Define characters and metrics for your automation project

  • Choose a good marketing automation tool
  • Set the type of interaction to drive in each of the stages of the funnel
  • Understand the content should supply the automation system in each phase
  • Implement the system
  • Review results and plan accordingly for the next project
  • Remember: If you need more help with Digital Marketing in Vancouver, we will always be ready to help. Stay connected here on Agency Madison blog, where you find relevant content regarding Marketing and Advertising and other areas.
  • Success! Today and always.

Agency Madison is your Advertising agency in Vancouver. Stay in touch.


Inbound Marketing in Vancouver

Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing: What’s the Difference?

It is not uncommon for content marketing and inbound marketing to be confused with one another inside the Digital Marketing world. A lot of companies seeking an Advertising Agency in Vancouver and other cities around the world to help them develop such strategies. So, if you’ve many questions in this area, don’t worry. That’s precisely what we are going to talk about in this article.


First Thing’s First: What is Content Marketing?

According to Google, 62% of consumers search for information on the internet before making a purchase decision. Relevant and high quality content is essential in this respect. A strategy that involves streamlining a strong, effective message across your website, blog(s) and social networks is going to help viewers find your content.

Ultimately, Content Marketing is helpful in educating, informing and entertaining a prospective client to not just read about your product but eventually make a purchase.One of the earliest content marketing stories, dates back to 1985 when John Deere published the first edition of The Furrow–a magazine about agriculture.

The reason this was such a good idea is because it follows the underlying principle of content marketing–it connected agriculture-enthusiasts with the information needed to learn about John Deere’s tractors and make an informed purchase. Today, Deere & Company remains a world leader in agricultural equipment manufacturing.


Content Marketing

Although the practice of Content Marketing dates back centuries, it was the staff of Board 42 , who later formed the Content Marketing Institute, who initially coined the term and began discussions around the concept. In short, according to Board 42, Content Marketing can be defined as follows:

“To create and distribute, through various channels of communication, relevant and valuable content, in a way to attract, earn and engage a target audience.”

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve a pretty decent idea of what content marketing is. However, at this point, it’s worth briefly talking about what content marketing isn’t. We can think of several misconceptions that are made when talking about the subject. We will now demystify the main myth:


It’s limited to online

However much the expression itself has emerged and gained strength with the advent of the internet, its strategies must consider any communication channels that engage and attract the consumer. Therefore, it’s correct to say that Content Marketing is also done with television, radio and magazines (as we have already mentioned), for example.

The Content should not be randomly produced: Content Marketing encompasses strategic planning, creation and distribution of content. Additionally, we can not forget the implementation of metrics for all stages of the purchase process.

Content Marketing goes deeper and encompasses customer services.


Getting to know inbound marketing in Vancouver

The concept of Inbound Marketing, also known as Attraction Marketing, Entry Marketing or New Marketing, was created in 2006 by HubSpot, which defines the concept as follows:

“It’s a complex, person-focused, planned strategy that brings together the best marketing efforts to attract the right audience to your business and make those leads go through every step of the sales funnel until you’re ready to become a customer.”

Instead of running after customers, Inbound Marketing pulls customers toward your product/service through search engines, websites, social networks, etc. In other words, Inbound Marketing has the customer search for the company. It turns out that it’s not always with the intention of making a purchase immediately.


The Relationship

At first, the customer may be only seeking answers to something or to quell some curiosity, but then, unintentionally, customers eventually find out they need a more effective solution. That’s why–in the realm of Inbound Marketing–the relationship is not restricted to only visitors and customers. There is a sales funnel that follows a detailed order in which visitors, leads, opportunities and customers are all considered.

Additionally, there are five important steps that make up an Inbound Marketing strategy, which are: attract, convert, relate, sell and analyze. They make the methodology a systematic, scalable, and even predictable process of customer acquisition.


Inbound Marketing or Content Marketing: What to use?

Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing are somewhat new concepts. As Digital Marketing has consolidated in the Vancouver business, a discussion gains strength: is there a difference between them or are they similar? Ultimately, they should not be treated as competing tactics or antonyms, but rather as two fundamental components of the whole mix, which is marketing.


Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing:

Inbound Marketing aims to attract people to an offer, exchanging that offer for their user data, and then educate them until they become customers. This is where Content Marketing comes in. Why’s that? Because there’s no way to generate leads without good content–it’s that simple.

To make it even clearer: the idea is to offer quality information to people, so that, in the future, they remember your brand and when the time comes for them to become clients.

In summary, Inbound Marketing is focused on the conversion rate, while Content Marketing follows the customer until they buy and/or advertise the brand positively via word of mouth, etc.

If there is any difference that needs to be highlighted, it would be just this: Content Marketing being a strategy of relationship building with the consumer and Inbound Marketing as a conversion and sales strategy.