15 trends your Advertising Agency in Vancouver must tell you.


Advertising Agency Vancouver – Advertising has changed not only in Vancouver, but all over the world. Advertising still sound like the old methods as radio, TV commercials and discount cupons for example. But, nowadays, the best Advertising agencies you will find are multi-platform, multi-cultured and multi-task.

That means Advertising faces a new level of communication with many new channels and many new ways to talk to costumers. More than that, Advertising is facing a new level of technology.

I’m going to share with you some Advertsing trends and what paths to follow, as we believe here at Agency Madison.



  • Video: When people sees what is “behind” a company, it tends to be impacted more easily. So think about making your organization more human. Want examples? Stories, live broadcasts and webinars can help you.
  • Media out of home: Have you ever thought about going offline and talking about yourself in order to better impact customers? Well, that would be ideal and a good example of this is the media out of home. Create relevant, really creative content and think of specific places to impact your audience (do not forget to integrate with social networks). It is worth mentioning that it is usually very affordable for small and medium-sized companies.
  • Custom Experiences: Personalization throughout the shopping journey will be pleasing to customers and will bring you incredible results. Believe it.
  • Search Evolution: There is no doubt that search is changing our lives and being a source of traffic to most websites. Keep your eyes on the voice search device, tilted to increase this year.
  • Chatbots: According to a survey conducted during SMW (Social Media Week), 65% of the professionals will start investing – or continue investing – in chatbots this year. There are those who say that people prefer to talk to robots to have their doubts clarified, since their answers tend to be faster, educated and objective. Do you agree?
  • Artificial Intelligence: See that some trends can walk together throughout this year. In case of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it can be used precisely to increase chatbot and offer conversations that mimic natural language. In its Digital Marketingstrategy, it is still active if it is used to teach the software to make decisions based on big data, recognize images, optimize ads, etc.
  • Virtual Reality: As technology allows a better visualization of a product or service, one of the main applications of virtual reality is to contribute to purchase decision and making the best of user’s experience.
  • Influencers: According to an article published in the Administrators portal, some research has already proven that at least 90% of consumers trust recommendations. Think of relevant people on the internet who have an audience and fit into the profile you want to impact. It is worth remembering that each market is different.
  • Content Marketing: According to Content MarketingInstitute, it needs to be integrated with the organizations and the materials created must be differentiated and produced over a long time. The good news is that companies are going to look at Content Marketing with a more mature look, by all indications.




  • Augmented Reality: Given last year’s Pokémon Go, games and other augmented reality tools are a way to attract and create rapport with the public. Enjoy!
  • Thinking Design: Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and take action based on studies conducted through Design Thinking and Research. Empathy never ceases to be a trend. Think about it.
  • Marketing Automation: Have a well-developed and well-planned strategy, so take advantage of automation to improve communication processes, optimize time, and ensure message delivery in the right way.
  • Mobile: According researches, Vancouver would have a smartphone in use per inhabitant. Adapting communication tools to mobile devices and thinking more broadly about how the user will receive the message is a good idea.
  • Social Media: Brands have been increasingly working on their social networking profiles, which has increased competition. Speaking the language of your audience and understanding how each social network allows the best contact with the user will surely help you.
  • Growth Hacking: Growth Hacking provides business growth in a more focused, targeted, sustainable and efficient way – especially in companies that operate directly over the Internet – through experiments. It’s a new way of thinking.
  • It’s so much technology, it seems to have no end. Being connected and following the development of each one of them is fundamental to your business success.


To stay ahead with your business in Vancouver, be always updated with Agency Madison. Check our >Advertising Services< link

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